Nutrition Services

Students who are enrolled for the 2024-25 school year, are eligible for one free breakfast meal and one free lunch meal per day. Students will need to pay for any additional items outside of the meals included in this bill.  A qualified free meal consists of a main entrée plus a fruit or a veggie. Although milk is not a mandatory requirement, it is also included in a meal. Our cashiers are very helpful and trained to help students make their meal complete and free.

OHS Dining

At Oxford High School, students are encouraged to pre-order stir fry, wraps, cold subs and salads to reduce time spent waiting in lines.  Please see the map below for pick-up locations at OHS.

OHS students are served breakfast in the cafeteria before the school day begins.

Preview of OHS Cafeteria Map

OMS Dining

At Oxford Middle School, students are encouraged to pre-order cold subs and salads to reduce time spent waiting in line. Pre-orders can be picked up at the Grab-and-Go line as shown on the map below.

Middle school students are served breakfast during morning advisory class.

Preview of OMS Cafeteria Map

Elementary Dining

Breakfast is served at all elementary schools before the school day begins in the cafeterias.

Elementary Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Pre-K Dining

Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) students are served breakfast, lunch, and snack.

GSRP Breakfast, Lunch, & Snack Menus

Free and Reduced Lunch Information

It is very important that families who qualify for free and reduced lunch for their student(s) based on their household income,  still fill out the free and reduced meal application. Filling out the application determines if a student qualifies for other offers such as discounted internet service, waived SAT test fees, and (if the state chooses to issue them again) P-EBT cards.