Peachjar Electronic Flyers
Oxford Community Schools electronically delivers school information and approved community flyers through Peachjar. E-flyers are emailed directly to you and can also be accessed via the Peachjar button on your school’s website. This eco-friendly system reduces paper waste, lowers costs, and eases the workload for staff and volunteers.
No action is needed if we have your email. New families will receive a welcome email with login details, though logging in is not required to view e-flyers. If your child moves to a new school, you’ll automatically receive flyers from that school.
To ensure delivery, add to your contacts and select “always display images” when opening your first e-flyer.
Electronic Flyers (Peachjar) Approval Information for Community Partners
Our district cooperates with approved community partners by posting eflyers online and distributing them electronically through our service provider, Peachjar. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we continue our transition from paper to electronic flyer delivery.
To request flyer approval, follow the steps below.
Register as an Enrichment / Community Organization (account type)
Upload your flyer for approval.
Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted online.
Per Board Policy 3308, the district may regulate advertisement content within legally permitted parameters.
Oxford Community Schools reviews all Peachjar flyer submissions to ensure they align with our educational mission and community values. Approval is not guaranteed. Flyers must directly benefit students, come from local community organizations, and avoid political, religious, illegal, or policy-violating content. Commercial businesses may only be promoted if deemed beneficial to families. Flyers promoting activities or services that could compromise student safety will not be approved. Submissions may take up to five business days for review.