August 17, Message from School Board


Dear Oxford Community Schools Family,   

On August 15, 2023, OHS families received an email from our superintendent regarding an OK2Say tip, and a subsequent email regarding 911 calls district families had made between August 14 and 15 reporting an unknown caller harassed and threatened their student and the high school. Law enforcement did deem and advise the district the threats were non-credible. Non-high school families may have become aware of these concerning phone calls via other methods of information sharing, such as social media.  The Board of Education is aware that these communication methods created confusion and concern and for that we apologize.  

To improve communications regarding safety concerns going forward, the following actions will be taken over the next few weeks to ensure that communication surrounding response to threats against our students and schools is intentional and supportive to our families, our staff, our law enforcement partners, and our community:  

  1. The district will meet with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, Oxford Village Police, and Michigan State Police OK2Say department to revisit policies and procedures for communication of threats or harassment towards Oxford Community Schools and/or its students.  
  2. The District Safety Committee will review the August 14 /15 phone calls, timelines, and the subsequent communications to determine the areas of improvement that can be layered into our communications plan at their next meeting on August 30.   
  3. The Board of Education meeting on August 22 will have an update regarding district safety for the first day of school and beyond.   

Oxford Community Schools remains committed to a safe learning environment for our students and staff, and we will keep our stakeholders informed as the reviews are completed and more information becomes available. 

Oxford Community Schools Board of Education