October 23, 2023 Wildcat Remembrance Day

Dear Oxford Community Schools Families and Staff,

As Wildcat Remembrance Day approaches, we want to let you know what this day will look like for our district this year. Like last year, the district will be closed for both students and staff on November 30, 2023.  It will remain a day for each person to spend how they need – to heal, reflect, mourn, and most of all to love. As we all know, the healing process is long and complicated. The mental and emotional healing of our entire school community remains paramount. The All For Oxford Resiliency Center will be open extended hours on November 30th and offer support for anyone in need.

We will come together as a school community in solidarity in two ways as we did last year.   At 12:51 p.m. on November 30, wherever you and your family are at this time, we invite our school community to share a moment of silence together. Then, at 7 p.m., we invite everyone to simultaneously light luminaries outside of your homes. As the day draws closer, the district will be giving each child and staff member a battery-operated candle and luminary bag to bring home to light that evening. Once again, let’s light up Oxford with LOVE as we honor the beautiful lives that were taken from us far too soon - Hana, Tate, Justin, and Madisyn.  

We implore each of you to let love win on November 30, 2023, and every day before and after.

Dr. Vickie L. Markavitch
Oxford Community Schools