August 22, COVID-19 Protocol Update

Dear Wildcat Families,

As of August 11, 2022, the CDC has updated their guidance for schools regarding COVID-19.  At this time, health screenings are no longer required to enter school buildings nor are student athletes required to test regularly for COVID for participation. Schools are not responsible to direct nor recommend students and staff to quarantine based on potential virus exposure.  Masks will remain an optional individual choice for students and staff in any school setting including while riding school buses.  We continue to ask our Wildcats to be kind and respectful with one another’s choice to wear or not wear a mask.

Please continue to let your child’s school know if your student tests positive as we are still required to report all communicable diseases, including COVID, to the Oakland County Health Division.

Recommendations from the CDC for those who test positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccinations status, are as follows:

1.       Stay home for at least five days and isolate from others

2.       Return to school on day six if major symptoms have resolved and are 24 hours fever-free

3.       Exposed and positive (returning) students are encouraged to wear a high-quality mask through day ten

We strongly encourage everyone to continue being hypervigilant with their handwashing and personal hygiene and we remain committed to keeping a clean school environment to aid in the mitigation of this virus and other illnesses. 


Oxford Community Schools