May 2, HCH Survey Results

Dear Parents/Guardians of Oxford seated students,

We want to share with you the results of the Honor Community Health Clinic Interest surveys that closed at midnight last night.  The majority of our parents of seated students who answered the surveys indicated they were not interested in having the Honor Community Health (HCH) Clinic at Oxford High School. Those results can be viewed on our website.

Preliminary survey results were shared with HCH which contributed to their decision yesterday afternoon to respectfully withdraw the school-based health model proposal for Oxford High School. Additionally, HCH, in keeping with HIPPA obligations, could not legally share with the district the information desired in regard to the mental health of the students they would see as patients.

We are thankful for the time and effort Honor Community Health personnel have spent answering questions, attending meetings, and working with the district to help us in exploring this resource in order to meet the needs of our students.

Oxford Community Schools