May 5, Guidepost Solutions Report Information


Dear Oxford Schools Community,


The third-party investigation company, Guidepost Solutions, has informed us the first part of their two part report release is imminent. This report will be on the current threat assessment and safety and security measures the district has in place. The report will be released to the district and the public at the same time. Once Guidepost Solutions releases this report it will be posted on Guidepost Solutions’ website and to the Guidepost Solutions run website which is also linked to the front page of the Oxford Community Schools website


After the report is released, Guidepost Solutions is planning to have three Q & A sessions open to our community on Thursday, May 11, 2023, regarding the details of this first report.  Please see the Guidepost Solutions Oxford Response website for times, locations, and details on these sessions.  

-Oxford Community Schools